Thursday, May 9, 2013

Environmentalism! Sending Kids to School!

Hey all,

Sorry for my sparse updating of late...I've actually been kind of busy, plus I lost my camera in a hike from Tricia's site to Jamie's (6 hours walking in the direct sun up a mountain...we're dumb).

I promise to do a meatier update soon, but in the meantime take a minute to check out this link to my friend Mike's project page. Mike is building a classroom for a kindergarten & first grade in a part of his community that has never had a school before. Previously, these little kids had to walk over an hour to get to school every morning. But, instead of building a traditional brick & cement structure, Mike is using plastic soda bottles stuffed full of plastic trash (chip bags, grocery bags, etc), which, when filled properly, are hard and durable enough to stand in place of traditional bricks. Mike needs $1000 to buy other materials to complete the construction of this school, which is starting May 15!

So, check out the link below, take a look at how cool this project is, watch the video, and please consider donating. Every cent helps!