Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So I am in DC for orientation! Left the house at 7:30 this morning for my 10 am flight to DC, and even though it took us an hour to get to the airport I had a good hour's worth of time to kill, so my parents and Erik ate breakfast in the airport with me. Then, I got through security (with minimal crying) and met up with the other girl from New England who was on the same flight as me! She's from Southern New Hampshire and very nice and cool. So we shared a cab to the hotel & etc. From the hotel I got to meet Lauren for lunch which was great because I hadn't had a chance to see her and say goodbye etc.

Then, we spent 5 hours in orientation activities. There are 15 (or 16?) of us going down to El Salvador tomorrow and everyone seems pretty cool. Most people are doing the same program as me, but there are a couple who are in the Peace Corps masters program (which involves 1 year of schooling then regular PC service during which time they are supposed to do research as well) so they are a little different.  Orientation was fairly boring - just reviews of Peace Corps' mission statements, core goals, etc etc. Trying to remind us why we signed up in the first place...

Aftere orientation we went to dinner as a group. I had my last burger and beer in America, which was great. The weather here is about 90 and humid, so I suppose that's a good preview for what's to come.

Tomorrow we leave the hotel at 2:30 am (?) for our 7:30 am flight to Miami... from Miami we fly direct to El Sal so I will be there at about 1:10 local time! I will try to update as much as possible these next coming weeks...it appears that I'll have internet access approximately once a week.


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